Canada's most green influenced ocean city unveiled a ten year, 21 billion dollar plan.
"Also receiving a green light Thursday was a plan for 450 kilometres of new traffic-separated cycling paths, including bike networks in every Metro Vancouver Urban Centre, and 200 more bike lockers, according to a Metro Vancouver news release."
Vancouverites cringe as they anticipate another hike in taxes, be they gas, real estate or??
"The Transport 2050: 10-Year Priorities plan is estimated to cost $21 billion over the decade and will need significant new revenue sources and investments from all levels of government to deliver, according to Metro Vancouver."
Simon Fraser University to receive a gondola thereby relieving the parking dilemma.

Burnaby public looks over Translink plans for the Burnaby Mountain Gondola Transit Project at a community open house on May 25, 2011, in Burnaby. The plan is for a 2.6 km tramway system linking Production Way skytrain station with SFU campus. PHOTO BY STEVE BOSCH /PROVINCE