Hi all! I hope everyone out there is doing well, coping okay, and being kind to one another.
I’m still healing, 6weeks out now, almost 7.

Manual Lymphatic Drainage has helped immensely, I’ve been seeing my RMT Janine every week. Stretching is my life. I have treated myself to a new yoga mat.
My tumour is currently on a work vacation in California, getting an Oncotype test, while I freeze my non-boobs off here on the island.
I am waiting to get into the cancer clinic in Victoria and have been assigned my very own Cancer ID number.

So let’s talk about FLAT.
I would very much like to let people know that flat IS an option.
Luckily, at diagnosis, my first instinct was to take them off and go flat.
I was raised knowing my instincts were there to protect me, so through all the pushback from the medical community, and “friends”, who apparently assume that a woman won’t feel “whole” and will be “disfigured” without mammaries, I repeated my wishes and stood my ground.
“No, there will not be reconstruction now or in the future. Please operate accordingly.”
There are so many risks involved in reconstruction, from the expanders, extra tissue left, the implants themselves , and a SHIT LOAD of future surgeries.
So here I am, Flat, Fierce and moving Forward!
A woman contacted me in tears the other night before her surgery which was scheduled for the next day, wondering if she had made the right choice to go flat. We chatted and she asked to see my scars. So I did a little photo shoot for her in my room. She had her surgery yesterday, went in 100% confident in her decision, and all went well.

I am not going to lie and say all this has been easy. It sucks. Cancer sucks. Surgery hurts and adjusting and healing isn’t a cake walk.
Sleeping is difficult, I get grumpy in the afternoons, and I need a lot more alone time.
Luckily I have my Fenn acorn, and Jason has been a rock star.
Love you all! Darcy

Photos courtesy Unsplash