Shared by a friend who readWomen Law Enforcers Investigating Social Secrets which tracks sex trafficking in Canada and America.
Leading the multi-national investigation is two women detectives from Vancouver Police Department and one from Surrey Police Department.
The following is her advice to women partying with a few caviets of mine added. The big one is, choose your party locations wisely.
Our thanks to Unsplash for the photo.
•Code 1:
"We leave together... We stay together....We come back together. NO you're not leaving with some RANDOM dude & NO I'm not leaving you at the party by yourself!
• Code 2
"Both of us can't be sh*t face drunk (neither of you should, at least one person needs to be alert & aware of our surroundings! [This is dangerous. No one should drink so much they are disfunctional. That is what assailants are seeking.]
•Code 3
"If you got to go to the bathroom or outside ." WE'RE ALL GOING TO THE BATHROOM AND OUTSIDE.
•Code 4
"We don't accept drinks from strangers unless we're at the bar and watch the bartender pour".
• Code 5
"If I feel like you're too drunk to function, we're leaving the party early".
• Code 6 "
"If you just so happen to go missing. I will give you a maximum 10 minutes to show up before we call the police.
• Code 7
"Don't be so inebriated that you get into a fight."
• Code 8
"The designated driver calls everyone to ensure they arrived home safely."