RCMP Member recalls growing up in a ethnically diverse neighborhood and the social interaction provided by four police officers and their families.
Well spaghetti & chicken for supper today brought back memories of me growing up in the 50s!
We had four police officers as neighbors, thus we had to be good and oh how hard life was as these police officers would never leave us alone, if it wasn't playing baseball with us, then it was hauling us off on fishing trips or BBQs! Every Sunday the one officer & his wife would make spaghetti & chicken for all the neighborhood kids to come and go all day long enjoying this great meal!
We would leave our doors unlocked and the neighbor would come over for coffee and help each other. Lots of our neighbors were from different nationalities & ethnic backgrounds and regardless of who and from where, we were neighbors and friends, of course back then there wasn't of this political correct crap.
Most of the kids in the neighborhood got careers in the public safety sector, military, health care and retail industry.
Wayne P.