Candidate is running for school trustee
"Rowse has been endorsed by Take Action Kamloops, an anonymous group of people who were opposed to the vaccine mandates and previously staged “Maskless Mondays” at the Real Canadian Superstore, during which they would defy public health orders by refusing to don masks while shopping.
Supporting group considers Kamloops Board of Education Public Enemy # One
"In an email to supporters, Take Action Kamloops called the SD73 board of education “public enemy number 1” and described Rowse as “a woman who refused to stand idly by and watch them mask her children, vax her children, she did not and will not stand for the perverted sexual debauchery that the education system has become.”

Photo credits to Unsplash
CBC chimes in on the issue, "Fahrenheit 451 was the title of Ray Bradbury's famous 1953 novel about book burning and thought control." https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/the-books-have-been-burning-1.887172
Did she get her idea from us?
"Former Fort Worth, Texas librarian Sarah Chase even told NBC News that she’d retired prematurely due to the uptick in book banning fever. “I’m no saint,” Chase said. “I got out because I was afraid to stand up to the attacks. I didn’t want to get caught in somebody’s snare. Who wants to be called a pornographer? Who wants to be accused of being a pedophile or reported to the police for putting a book in a kid’s hand?”