"TORONTO -- Some chefs are moving away from using avocados in their restaurants due to concerns over the fruits' large carbon footprint, unsustainable harvesting methods, and role in organized crime.
Sylvain Charlebois, senior director of the Agri-Food Analytics Lab at Dalhousie University in Halifax, told CTV's Your Morning on Tuesday that avocado production is linked to a loss of biodiversity, water shortages and deforestation."

"There's some sustainable baggage there linked to the product itself, which is why some leaders in the culinary world are showing some discontent about the popularity of avocados and they're trying to figure out other ways to please their customers using other kinds of products," Charlebois said.
"According to the Water Footprint Network, a single avocado requires nearly 230 litres of water to grow, compared to an orange that needs about 50 litres, or a tomato that requires 13 litres."

Using this logic, these advocates may as well slam beef as well because it a a known fact that one cow requires at least 20 acres and emits gas harmful to the environment.

The same acreage required to grow 1000 animals can produce a greater quantity of wheat.
"One acre of wheat yields an average 37.1 bushels of wheat. One bushel of wheat contains approximately one million individual kernels. One bushel of wheat weighs approximately 60 pounds. One bushel of wheat yields approximately 42 pounds of white flour."

42 times 37.1 equals 1558 pounds of flour.
One loaf of bread uses approximately 2 pounds of flour.
1558 divided by 2 equals 779 loaves of bread.

Photo credits to Unsplash
Bread is less expensive than beef to produce & sustains a greater population.
I agree Rebecca. People forget sometimes how false information like this can develop, spread and cause damage.