Does one Rave about the grocery clerk's exceptional service or Rant about the shoppers refusing to have her check them out?
Grocery shopping in Kamloops, British Columbia, home of Thompson Rivers University which boasts students from fifty countries.

Heading for the checkout I passed three staffers with four waiting customers each. I moved to the fourth who had nobody in line.
My thoughts rushed to the years of living with parents who wouldn't do business with anybody who wasn't WASP (White, Anglo-Saxon Protestant). They hated anyone of color, hated Greeks, Italians, French, Germans, Jews, Catholics, Sikhs, Hindus, Indigenous et al.
Post shopping I wondered if Kamloops exhibits inclusivity, tolerance and multiculturalism and what I observed was an aberration.

Photos credited to Unsplash
A friend stopped by to pick me up for work. He was not allowed inside. "Mexicans are not wanted in our house." A few weeks later I came home from school and found my meager belongings on the street. They had moved and left no forwarding address.

"Proud Boys posters popping up (and being ripped down) in Kamloops"
Canada's Tracy Moore speaks out against racism.