IBM Canada
STEM for Girls
"presents “Women Wednesday,” a video series that gives youth and young women the insights that demonstrate their aspirations are possible, and their futures are full of potential."
“Dream big, have courage, and believe in yourself!”
Career advice from IBM’s Deb Pimentel

is the IBM Technology Market Leader for Canada East. During her 27-plus years with IBM, Deb has gained valuable insights on how to build a successful career. During our interview, she shares life-defining moments, helpful lessons, career advice, and encouragement for young women just starting out in their careers – and the qualities that can ensure success along the way."
Deb’s Top 6 Career Tips:
Don’t let others define who you are: Deb shared a story from Grade 10 when a teacher doubted her abilities. At the time it was a devastating blow, but Deb decided at that very moment that she wasn’t going to allow that teacher to define who she was, and she never again let others define her. When someone tells her she can’t do something, that’s the moment she decides to prove them wrong.
It’s okay to be scared: Although Deb says she can come across as very confident, she says that everyone gets nervous. When you start something new, you’ll be nervous. That’s normal. Being scared simply shows that you care and that you want to do a really good job. The trick is to embrace the nerves and persevere through the fear.
Believe in yourself: Believe in yourself and don’t let others pigeonhole you. Admit you don’t know everything about a new situation but have the confidence you can figure it out. Remember, employers love that kind of confidence.
Put yourself in the other person’s position: Everybody has a story, so taking time to understand others makes it easier to work with them as colleagues and as customers.
Always have a plan: Even more specifically, always have a workback plan. If you have an outcome or destination in mind, consider all the things you need to reach your goal and then work backwards, setting targets to keep you on track.
Learn how to work in teams: Ask yourself how you can bring the best out of everybody on your team, recognizing that each person brings something unique to the table.
Our appreciation to IBM and LinkedIn for the post and photo.