Many Members have used the choke/carotid holds during a variety of circumstances. I've taught them and friends have used both.
One instance, my friend stopped a driver suspected of impaired driving. It was dark and a remote stretch of highway. The driver bolted out of the vehicle and charged the Member.
220 at least and about 6'2".
This was BT, before Tasers.
There were several responses the Member could have used but verbal interaction wasn't one of them.
The suspect was controlled with a choke hold, my friend lived to serve another day.

Here is the research & debate.
Although the research is American, the data is relevant to any law enforcement officer, sans management input.
What are your thoughts?
"Many agencies have limited chokeholds to deadly force encounters, with some states banning them altogether. On the other hand, vascular neck restraints have enjoyed a reputation for being highly effective and reducing injuries to both officers and suspects."
"Over an 11-year period, three North American law enforcement agencies collectively applied VNRs over 940 times while arresting combative or resistive subjects.6 An additional 230 police uses of the VNRs were identified in a separate 2021 report.7 Combined, these 1,174 instances of law enforcement’s use of VNR found no significant injuries (i.e., moderate or severe injuries) and no deaths. Further, the risk of minor injuries was low."
I too have used both but prefer the carotid for complete control.