"Chu admitted to "caressing" the girl on the leg in a public restaurant while in uniform. He told the hearing he "participated in consensual sexual foreplay" with the girl in the living room of his home while he was off-duty and not in uniform.
Under Canadian law, a 16-year-old cannot consent to sex with someone who is in a position of authority over them."
It would appear that Calgary counsel is unable to unseat this person. Disturbing also is the number of voters who support him.
“In Canada, unlike the United States, there is no statute of limitations that prevents the prosecution of serious criminal charges at any time after the crime occurs. Anyone can contact the police in Canada to report a crime that took place years ago. The police can and do investigate such crimes and they will lay charges — as long as the alleged perpetrator is still alive, and they deem that there exists sufficient evidence to pursue and support a conviction.”