Michelle Obama shares an incident from her older brother's childhood in her memoir, "Becoming Me".
"Craig got a new bike one summer and rode it east to Lake Michigan, to the paved pathway along Rainbow Beach, where you could feel the breeze off the water.
"He'd been promptly picked up by a police officer who accused him of stealing it, unwilling to accept that a young black boy would have come across a new bike in an honest way."
"The officer, an African American man himself, ultimately got a brutal tongue-lashing from my mother, who made him apologize to Craig.
"What had happened, my parents told us, was unjust but also unfortunately common. The color of our skin made us vulnerable. It was a thing we'd always have to navigate."
Equality takes many forms as Craig and Michelle discovered. Let's all work to create a world where all children, all adults are treated with equality without regard to ethnicity, religion, financial background or sexual orientation.
I agree 100%. As the writer noted in the movie, the two men talking about the fact that you are not born prejudiced.
This 1958 film depicts racism in its rawness. I grew up in a racist home n realized the hate when I moved to California n made friends from many cultural n ethnic backgrounds.
We don’t have to live the hate of our parents.
This desire should be the norm but sadly it isn't. I never experienced this and I know Jason Spencer, my Secret Service colleague didn't either even though he grew up in S. Los Angeles. It will be interesting to read comments from others.