"It's a health issue you idiots," was the retort from the Student Council which was exasperated at the ignorance of a similar issue's critics.
Students wanted condom machines in school restrooms to prevent STD's. They held a town meeting where the naysayers gathered intending to lambast these, "Ignorant and amoral teens." The students conducted themselves professionally offering a lengthy list of medical reasons.
The students got the machines.
I asked my women friends for their input regarding the tampon machines and almost to a person they said, "Critics are fearful the mear presence of a tampon machine will contribute to boys' feminity or worse, turn them into feminists."
One friend wondered if the male critics dragged their knuckles on the ground.
A number of supporters shared that as teens the tampon machines in the girls' restrooms were empty forcing them to check other school facilities, often the women's teachers' lounge and a secretary. "How easy it would have been to slip unnoticed into the boys' restroom or have a male friend get one for me."
One woman disented saying, "Boys shouldn't have anything to do with tampons."
"Balada says that the dispenser in the boys bathroom was installed at 9:30 Wednesday morning and 'by 9:52 AM, tampons were on the floor, the newly installed distribution box was ripped off the wall along with the masonry anchors, and the distribution box itself was destroyed.'”
If the boys in this school are as much sexual harassers as were at mine, I can see the problem. Before the machines a lot of education needs to flow through that school.
I had a few of the accidents noted above, got lectured for not having spares in my locker then when I did have a box boys would gather around the locker making vulgar comments.
I hit one of them and they stopped harassing me.
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If the boys in this school are as much sexual harassers as were at mine, I can see the problem. Before the machines a lot of education needs to flow through that school.
I had a few of the accidents noted above, got lectured for not having spares in my locker then when I did have a box boys would gather around the locker making vulgar comments.
I hit one of them and they stopped harassing me.